Professional Polygraph and Investigations, LLC

Your Key to the Truth

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Why Choose Professional Polygraph


Professional Polygraph and Investigations is committed to providing our clients with professional assessment and quick resolution of important issues.  We offer the latest in polygraph technology using sophisticated state of the art computerized instruments.  Our examiners are licensed, insured and experienced in the most up to date techniques.


All our examiners are experienced criminal investigators, trained in nationally recognized interview techniques.  This often results in the resolution of many of our polygraph issues during the pre-test phase of the examination.


All polygraph examinations are evaluated using nationally standardized, validated and reliable procedures.  There is no guesswork.  We are committed to helping a diverse client base with professional assessments.  For the business community this means assistance in on-going investigations involving an economic loss.  For attorneys, an exculpatory polygraph examination of their client may mean the difference in a prosecutorial decision.  Counselors rely on polygraphs to help break through denial issues.  Community treatment officers use the polygraph to assist in monitoring those under supervision. 

Providing polygraph services throughout Virginia

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